Kohviku menüü
Snäkid / Snacks | Hind € |
Valikvaagen / A selection of snacks | 15.- |
Kananagitsad ja kevadrullid / Chicken nuggets & spring rolls | 10.- |
Soolalõhe röstsaiaga / Salt cured salmon with toast | 6.- |
Krõbedad krevetiampsud / Crispy shrimp bites | 7.- |
Krõbedad juustupallid / Crispy cheese balls | 9.- |
Juustuampsud / Cheese bites | 6.- |
Krõbeleib küüslaugujuustuga / Crispy black bread with garlic cheese | 5.- |
Bataadifriikad kastmega / Sweet potato fries with dip | 6.- |
Friikartulid kastmega / Fries with dip | 5.- |
Supp / Soup | Hind € |
Seljanka / Soup of solyanka | 3.50 / 2.50 |
Salatid / Salads | Hind € |
Värske salat grillitud lõhega / Fresh salad with grilled salmon | 7.- |
Kanasalat (jääsalat, tomat, kurk, redis, kana, majonees) / Chicken salad (iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumbre, radish, chicken, mayonnaise) | 6.50 |
Grillitud kanasalat / Grilled chicken salad | 6.50 |
Suitsukanasalat / Smoked chicken salad | 5.- |
Kokteilsalat (kartul, vorst, kurk, tomat, majonees) / Cocktail salad (potatoes, sausage, cucumbre, tomato, mayonnaise) | 5.- |
Vegan salat / Vegan salad | 6.50 |
Toorsalat / Fresh salad | 2.50 |
Praed / Main meals | Hind € |
Seašnitsel / Pork schnitzel | 8 / 7.- |
Seašnitsel juustuga / Pork schnitzel with cheese | 10.- |
Juustušnitsel / Cheese schnitzel | 8.- |
Kanašnitsel / Chicken schnitzel | 8 / 7.- |
Paneeritud kana / Breaded chicken | 6.- |
Paneeritud kala / Breaded fish | 6.- |
Praelõhe / Fried salmon | 12.- |
Käsitöö veisepihv / Handmade beef patty | 10.- |
Käsitöökotletid / Handmade meat patties | 7.- |
Kikerherne-kapsa kotletid (vegan) / Chickpea-cabbage patties (vegan) | 7.- |
Grillvorst / Grilled sausage | 7.- |
Burger ja friikartulid / Burger and fries | 7.- |
Krõbekana wrap / Crispy chicken wrap | 8.- |
Kananagitsad friikartulitega / Chicken nuggets and fries | 7.- |
Kalapulgad friikartulitega / Fish sticks and fries | 6.- |
Pelmeenid hapukoorega / Pelmeni with sour cream | 5.- |
Lastepraad / Children’s meal | 6.- |
Lisandid praele / Side dishes | Hind € |
Friikartulid / kauboikartulid / keedukartulid Fries / potato wedges / boiled potatoes | |
Praemuna / Fried egg | 1.- |
Praetud peekoniviilud (3 tk) / Fried bacon (3pcs) | 1.- |
Magustoidud / Desserts | Hind € |
Pannkoogid jäätise ja moosiga / Pancakes with ice cream & jam | 4.- |
Pannkoogid moosiga / Pancakes with jam | 3.- |
Vahvlid vahukoore ja moosiga / Waffles with whipped cream and jam | 5.- |
Jäätisekokteil / Milkshake | 4.- |
Marjasmuuti / Berry smoothie | 5.- |
Roheline smuuti / Green smoothie | 5.- |
Kama / Kama (traditional Estonian dessert) | 3.- |
Joogid / Drinks | Hind € |
Kohv, latte, cappuccino / Coffee | 2.50 |
Kakao / Cocoa | 2.- |
Tee / Tea | 1.50 |
Maitsevesi kannuga / Water in a jug | 2.50 |
Morss kannuga / Squash in a jug | 5.- |
Coca/Fanta/limonaad / Coca/Fanta/Lemonade | 2.- |
Mahl / Juice | 2.- |
Piim / Milk | 1.- |
Keefir / Kefir | 1.- |
Alkohol / Alcoholic drinks | Hind € |
Siider / Cider | 4.- |
Käsitöösiider / Craft cider | 5.- |
Õlu / Beer | 4.- |
Gin | 4.- |
Käsitöövein / Craft wine | 18.- |